Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mists of Jumping-The-Shark?

I've played World of Warcraft on and off (mostly on) since it's release in 2007.

  • Vanilla was challenging, and a pretty new MMO experience for me overall. I'd only before played a very small, very underdeveloped game that had graphics circa 1997.
  • BC was new, exciting. Space Goats?! Another Planet?! It was a change up that I think everyone was excited about, simply because it was the first one.
  • Wrath blew my mind. It had a great leveling experience, fun (though easy) raids, and the addictive achievement system. I wasn't around for the disappointing ToC days, or early ICC though.
  • Cata was a disappointment. The leveling took me 21 hours, with no rested. The raids were at first way too hard, then WAY too easy. Firelands and its million dailies didn't really fix much, and the whole system just seemed a bit disjointed. Blizzard lost a mess of subscriptions, and then announced THE FINAL PATCH about eight months in. Granted, it hasn't hit yet, but I think they are getting desperate... which is sad when you still have like 10 times the amount of subscriptions as the next MMO.
  • And now we have Pandas and Pokemon, which seems like a massive shark-jumping attempt to pull in more casual players again. I'm so... mixed about these announcements. 
    • The talent system sounds interesting. And the challenges and stuff are a neat twist... But I don't like that there is no progression of plot, we still have the Burning Legion running around, I was kind of hoping for a return to that whole deal. 
    • Instead we get a totally new continent, that was irrelevant that the entire previous story, under the guise that it will drive that war between Horde and Alliance. Eh.
    • The Pandas themselves are just.... meh. I'm more excited about a new class than a new race. It's just so gimmicky right now, I hope they give us more int he coming months to change my mind. The only think I'm really compelled by is the whole "picking your faction at level 10" thing.
    • Pokemon? Really? I suppose it's like their way of adding in a new profession?
    • I do think the 12 month WoW = Free Beta + Mount + Diablo 3 is genius. I'll sadly end up playing this expansion just for that reason. 

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