Monday, June 20, 2011

Green Lantern

So yesterday my brother gets on my case to go see Green Lantern. Such a suggestion is not out of the ordinary, we do see a lot of superhero/fantasy/sci-fi related films, but I was hesitant regarding this one.

I am an avid reader and adherent of the Rotten Tomatoes film rankings. At the time of viewing suggestion, The Green Lantern was hovering somewhere around 24%. Not. Stellar.

How many times can you use a ring
before recharging it? An hour? Seven?
Thirteen trips back and forth to
lantern planet?
But I caved, and we saw it. I love Ryan Reynolds and his weirdness, and I will proudly admit that I watch Gossip Girl, staring the film's leading lady- Blake Lively. So alright, I went for the cast at least.

It was.... meh. I suppose better than I expected, knowing it had a whopping 24% (which is only about half the number that freaking Mr. Popper's Penguins has, and Newberry-award-wining children's book or not, that film looks like a stinker).

As far as superhero films go this year, X-Men First Class has been my favorite. Followed by Thor. Have there been any others? My memory is failing me a bit here. Green Lantern was only so/so. The CGI seemed a bit wonky in places, and the story wasn't all that exciting, or funny. I yawned. A lot.

I suppose my biggest issue with Green Lantern was that one of the plots, the one with Hector and the totally cliche "hot girl likes the hot guy and not me, the brilliant nerd whaa whaaa and my daddy hates me tooo" deal. I admit, I have never read the source comics, but it seemed to me that that entire subplot couldn't been abandoned and the story would've remained relatively unchanged. Parallax still would've hated Hal, because he had the purple guy's ring, and he still would've come to earth with or without giant-brain-secondary-villain-man.

Do all superhero movies have to have like multiple villains now? Can't just one be enough? Yes, I know that Batman Begins  and The Dark Knight had two apiece, but in some situations wouldn't one just be enough? In this case that second story wasn't even remotely interesting to me.

At least the film dealt with the whole "tiny little mask is a disguise!" issue. I would've been sorely upset if the girl who knew him from childhood couldn't recognize him from behind a tiny mask that covers his cheekbones. Cause that's just stupid.

So in recap. Green Lantern = ehhhh. It wasn't walk-out of the theater bad, or totally fall asleep bad. But not a great film, and certainly no where near the best comic book film of the year.

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